Thursday, September 11, 2008

Up early again! (it's a miracle)

Well we have successfully made it to school on time 5 days in a row! this new schedule is really getting us up and going in the morning, and i'm liking it. The brisk walk to Ava's new school gets my blood pumping in the morning and Vann enjoys watching all of the "dogs" and "burr" (birds) on the way. Then we're off to drop Vann at school and it's work for me most days until time to pick up Ava. I haven't left her at school yet for after care, maybe next week i'll start to do that. She seems to really love the new school, with all of the different 'special' classes they get to have, like Art, Music, Gym, Library, etc.. Last nite was back to school nite for the parents to meet teachers, see what she gets to do all day.

It's also Sept. 11 again today - 7th anniversary. It seems to be getting to many people up here, there were lots of teary eyes around town as we drove to Vann's school. The feel of the air and the beautiful sunny day are all reminders of that same tragic day. As much as we all want to forget the painful memories, i think it's nice to have a day set aside for people to allow themselves to mourn. I think it helps the healing... On a more positive note, we were planning on heading to the mountains camping this weekend but looks like rain, oh well, we've got plenty to do around the house anyway!

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