Thursday, January 15, 2009

more cold

in the 20s and lower for the next few days so we will be holed up at home as much as possible! well at least me and the kids will be... Jayme is going ice fishing this weekend and he is beside himself with excitement. not even in a hut apparently - just out in the open in freeeeezing weather. (!!!) we got an inch or so of snow this morning looks like - on top of the solid ice that was already there.. oi...

on another note, we have a lot of celebrations coming up, Vann will be turning 2 in a few weeks, Jayme's birthday, our 10th wedding anniversary and Valentines Day are right around the corner.

Monday, January 12, 2009

freezing day out but vann and i managed to get our errands done -- very icy in the driveway but roads are clear and fine. Looks like a week of weather in the 20s .... oi... All i want is one day on the beach - just one!!! work has leveled out a bit so i'm able to get some home projects worked on so that's good... vann and everybody are healthy so that's a big factor too - it is amazing what a difference having a healthy family makes! We are hoping to plan our trip down south very soon. Jayme's mom is coming up for a weekend in February since it is Jayme's and my 10th year anniversary Feb.12th. Thank you !!!! It's so nice to have adult time every once in awhile :) we're thinking of heading into the city for dinner and a show. i can't remember the last time i saw a show! I'm thinking it may have been Hugh Jackman's Boy From Oz quite a few years back... it was an amazing musical.