Tuesday, October 14, 2008


i'm gonna get my days mixed up this week because of the school holiday. it feels like monday, but i think it's tuesday today... ava was off school yesterday and has a short day later this week. our handyman is almost done patching the various holes around the house and is starting on some support work in the attic. its constant work in this old old house!! he should be done today and then we can call for a final inspection of our heating and air system and get that little yellow card off of our front door window. yeiii.... Everyone seems healthy after our latest intestinal bug that went through the household over the weekend - i am hoping to take Vann out of daycare again for the winter so we're not all constantly sick! We'll see.. Work is getting more interesting with the troubled economy and we have just implemented a new company wide software program, which will take the next few months at least for everyone to get used to. Also Vann grew a whole inch over the past 6 weeks! and i think his rubber band wrists are starting to disappear!! I dont want my baby to grow up, i'm telling you he's edible right now...

1 comment:

Leah said...

You should load some pics of your house. I would love to see it. How I wish we could see it in person! We haven't gone anywhere in 2 years! Everyone is always inviting us places. In fact, Chris has a cousin up near you guys. They visited us this summer.
By the way, you can change your comment settings to allow users without a blogger acct. to leave comments. Most of my family and friends don't have one.