Tuesday, October 7, 2008

baby boys

boys are full of mischief, and so very active. i know ava wasn't this active, because we were able to take her out to eat where she would sit politely and eat her goldfish and be the shining example of a good mannered baby. Not so with Mr. Vann - strapping him to a chair is NOT his idea of a good time. He feels that climbing and running are what he needs to be doing. I tried taking the kids to IHOP the other day - yeah a family place, right? no one would mind a baby who occassionally throws his fork on the floor because he's mad at me for not letting him run around the restaurant. But the ear-splitting shouts of "get me out of this seat!!" changed my mind pretty quickly... I asked the waitress to put our food in a take-out bag instead and vamoosed out as quickly as i could..... oh well, i'll try again soon -- sometimes i do get lucky :)

1 comment:

Leah said...

I think you just got lucky w/ Ava. Glynis is a crazy girl. Actually she will sit fairly still in her high chair, but only if there is food in front of her.