Thursday, March 5, 2009

wow its been so long since i posted i actually forgot my username and password! shame on me! i haven't been getting up at 6am anymore lately - i've been going to bed later and waking up later - i have no idea how this new routine happened! maybe it's american idol, maybe it was Top Chef - but Top Chef is now over so i shouldnt be getting to bed so late :) anyhow.. its still cold here... but we're looking like some nice temps in the 50s this weekend - warm warm stuff for us!! don't forget to spring forward (sunday i think??)

kids are good, ava getting taller and more mature all the time, vann is kind of like a little tornado around here - he is always getting into something, and keeping us in stitches all the time. he is a natural at being persuasive - he gets that from his dad. he is a sweet talker! we could just eat him up. I think they are getting restless at being indoors so much this winter - its most definitely our coldest winter (that i remember) up here - and keeping Vann indoors is hard to do! he loves to be outside - so i cant wait for spring to be sprung so we can get out more. the new playground at our park up the street is finished so we'll be spending lots of time there i'm sure.

we are all busy with work, with fixing up the house still (does it ever end?) and i'm not looking forward to Ava's Kindergarten year to end. i've heard the homework and academics start getting serious in first grade! yikes! she loves to read and has been practicing songs on a little keyboard we have at home. music is definitely her favorite class at school.

more later :) maybe i'll even get my schedule changed so i will be up earlier again! with our clocks turning forward i'm doubting that will happen real soon though...

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