Monday, January 12, 2009

freezing day out but vann and i managed to get our errands done -- very icy in the driveway but roads are clear and fine. Looks like a week of weather in the 20s .... oi... All i want is one day on the beach - just one!!! work has leveled out a bit so i'm able to get some home projects worked on so that's good... vann and everybody are healthy so that's a big factor too - it is amazing what a difference having a healthy family makes! We are hoping to plan our trip down south very soon. Jayme's mom is coming up for a weekend in February since it is Jayme's and my 10th year anniversary Feb.12th. Thank you !!!! It's so nice to have adult time every once in awhile :) we're thinking of heading into the city for dinner and a show. i can't remember the last time i saw a show! I'm thinking it may have been Hugh Jackman's Boy From Oz quite a few years back... it was an amazing musical.

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