Monday, November 24, 2008

monday news

well i finally did it - i gave Vann's 30 days notice at his nursery school and i will be taking care of him at home starting after Christmas holiday - and juggling work too. It will be an adventure! Jayme will be watching him one full day from home so i will be able to also work a full day in the office. I think it will work out fine, though it will be a little crazier around here that's for sure! I'm glad our situation is so unique that this is an option for us. We are definitely feeling the slowdown in the economy lately. I know it's short term though and we'll see it through just fine.

In other news, here's a shot of one of our 2 trees coming down in the back yard. They created nice big stumps for the kids to play on (when the weather warms up again)-- it's freezing out there now!! It was amazing to watch the guy get hauled up into the trees by the crane, then jump on the branches and start cutting! 2 hours later, and they were done. You can see all of the power lines in the yard they had to work through - it was very cool.

Oh and we all seem to be healthy again, thank goodness!

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